
Dog License Application
Dog Licenses are due by April 1, 2022 and proof of rabies vaccination is needed. Fees are $3.00 for spayed/neutered, $8.00 if not. $5.00 late fee will be added for any brought in after the first of the month. Kennel licenses are available (we don’t have any currently in the Village but they would need to be licensed). Service Dogs need a license and rabies vaccination but there is no charge for the license.

Operator/Provisional Alcohol Licensing Operator License Fillable
Liquor license renewals need to be submitted to the Village office by Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 4:30pm no later.

Land Use/Building Permits Land Use Application

Permits must be submitted to the Village Clerk and approved by the Village Board at the monthly meeting prior to any work commencing.

Stan-o-Gene Reservation Forms